Tuesday, December 18, 2007

2 more challenges.......

I almost forgot about 2 other challenges. The first one is Becky's Young Reader's Challenge:

This challenge is for those interested in reading more children's literature. Choose 12 or more books for the challenge. You can choose with a theme or not. You could choose a handful of authors to focus on--Laura Ingalls Wilder, A.A. Milne, C.S. Lewis, E.B. White, etc. And read a few books by each. Or you could read twelve books by the same author--like all Beverly Cleary or all Judy Blume or all Barbara Parks. You might want to read twelve books about horses or ponies. Or you might want to read twelve books in a series. Or twelve fairy-tale related books. You could even get elaborate and read 26 books A-to-Z. A theme is NOT required. A list is not required. Choose what you like. Choose as you go. Or plan it all out now.

I'm still not decided on books to read but I might just choose during each of my library visit.

The second one is Mini Jane Austen challenge. I chose Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park. This will be cross read with the 19th century women writers. I might read another two, Persuasion and Sense & Sensibility. :)

There's another 2 more of Becky's challenges, Celebrate the Author and C.S. Lewis challenge. I don't think I'd be able to cope. So, I'm afraid it needs to be shelved. Or if I'm really keen, I might just make it a personal challenge.

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